Wisconsin Right to Life is the state’s oldest and largest pro-life organization. For over 50 years, our mission has been to make euthanasia, infanticide, abortion and destruction of human embryos socially, ethically and legally unacceptable solutions to human problems and to promote positive alternatives to each of these acts.
The Wisconsin Right to Life Victory Fund enables Wisconsin Right to Life to support the election of pro-life leaders to Congress and the White House. The Victory Fund is an independent expenditure political action committee dedicated to electing pro-life candidates. Unlimited donations are allowed, but contributions to the Victory Fund are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
The Wisconsin Right to Life Victory Fund believes in the inherent value of all human life, from conception until natural death. As such, we support candidates who will support and defend pro-life legislation regarding a variety of issues.
Dismemberment Abortion Ban
Wisconsin Right to Life supports a ban on knowingly dismembering a living unborn child and extracting such an unborn child one piece at a time from the uterus through the use of clamps, grasping forceps, tongs, scissors or similar instruments that, through the convergence of two rigid levers, slice, crush or grasp a portion of the unborn child’s body in order to cut or rip it off. These abortions are often referred to as “dilation and extraction” (D & E) abortions and occur from the 14th week of pregnancy into the third trimester.
Defunding Planned Parenthood and Other Abortion Providers
Wisconsin Right to Life supports defunding Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers from receiving tax dollars. Even under the Hyde Amendment, abortion providers can still receive funds for other services, such as family planning. Planned Parenthood received over a half-billion dollars annually from government sources. Wisconsin Right to Life supports a permanent policy against funding abortions, health plans that cover abortions, and organizations that perform abortions.
Ending Foreign Aid for Abortion
Wisconsin Right to Life supports policies, like the Mexico City Policy, that limit eligibility for United States funding of programs to organizations who agree not to perform abortions. The United States spends $600 million annually for birth control programs overseas. Wisconsin Right to Life supports legislation that would codify the principles of the Mexico City Policy into law.
Protection of Human Embryos
Wisconsin Right to Life supports legislation that would protect human embryos. Human individuals at the embryonic stage of development are used for harmful and sometimes lethal medical experimentation. Although Wisconsin Right to Life does not oppose research derived from stem cells harvested from umbilical cord blood or adult tissue, Wisconsin Right to Life does oppose stem cell harvesting from living human embryos.
Political Speech, Grassroots Advocacy, and Right to Petition
Wisconsin Right to Life supports the right of private citizens to support advocacy organizations without being disclosed by the federal government. Wisconsin Right to Life also supports the right of nonprofit corporations to spend money to express viewpoints regarding those who hold or seek political office.
Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection
Wisconsin Right to Life supports explicit protection under the law that a baby born alive during an abortion must be afforded “the same degree” of care that would apply to “any other child born alive at the same gestational age,” including transportation to a hospital.
Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection
Wisconsin Right to Life supports a prohibition on abortions after the gestational age at which the fetus is capable of feeling pain. There is now compelling scientific evidence that at least by 20 weeks fetal age, the unborn child is capable of experiencing pain when subjected to abortion.
Sex, Race, and Disability Discriminatory Abortion Ban
Wisconsin Right to Life supports legislation that would ban discriminatory abortions, or abortions performed on the basis of the unborn child’s sex, race, or disability diagnosis.
Assisting Suicide Ban
Wisconsin Right to Life supports legislation that codifies the right to life from conception until natural death. As such, the organization opposes the legalization of assisted suicide or euthanasia.
Contact Us
Phone number: (414) 375-9173
Email: info@wrtlvictoryfund.com
Address: 5317 N. 118th Court Milwaukee, WI 53225